Wisconsin Snowmobile News


Wisconsin Snowmobile News
6595 Edenvale Blvd, Ste 180
Eden Prairie, MN  55346
Phone:  608-728-0889

Rachyl Burzinski - Editor
Phone:  608-728-0889
Email: rachyl@mspninc.com

Want to stop getting duplicate copies of the magazine?      Please send an email to StormyH@awsc.org or call 608-846-5530.


Please make sure that all articles, calendar listings, advertising, and letters to the editor are sent to the magazine office; the mailing address, phone, fax and email are all listed above. All information should be sent to AWSC either via email (stormyh@awsc.org) Fax: 608-846-5530. Do not send events directly to MSPN office.


EDITORIAL: The "Editorial" deadline refers to all articles within the magazine, including Trail Tales, Letters to the Editor, Calendar items, and special club events such as charity rides or fund-raisers, etc. that appear in the Here & There feature. The only exceptions are articles specifically under the heading of "Club News." It is very important that when an article or letter is submitted to the magazine for possible publication, your name, address, and phone number is included so we are able to reach you with any questions or concerns. You may send your articles by e-mail, fax or standard mail. Please click this link to see 2023-2024 WSN Deadlines and Definitions.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Calendar of Events is a FREE listing provided as a benefit to our readers who enjoy participating in activities throughout the state and to help promote attendance at your functions. The events listed must be open to the public. When you are submitting calendar items, list the date, nearest town, sponsoring organization, location, brief description (30 words max), and a phone number the public can call for more information. Please click on this link 2023-2024 WSN Calendar Submissions to download the form. Do not send us your event flyer in lieu of a proper submission as requested above. Calendar items are NOT considered Club News and must be submitted separately by the Editorial Deadline. If you simply include an event in your club news article, it will not appear in the Calendar listings.

PHOTOGRAPHS: Please mail original photos to the magazine office. Photocopies and clippings from the newspaper are not accepted. Digital photos are accepted at a minimum 2 mega-pixel setting is used and they are submitted by email or on CD as high resolution files. If you are scanning an original photo to be submitted, please do so at a minimum of 300 dpi.

ADVERTISING: "Advertising" specifically refers to Display (boxed) Ads that are paid for by the person, business, club or organization wishing to promote their business, service, event, or items for sale. AWSC member clubs receive a 25% discount on their event advertising – please call for details. Organizations that purchase advertising space to promote their events are welcome to submit their event as a Calendar item as well. Your ad sales person can help see that your event information is forwarded to the editor for publishing.

CLUB NEWS: "Club News" articles are those written by the club secretary, or other authorized club representative, to appear specifically under the department heading of "Club News". These articles are designed to help clubs share ideas and information with one another, such as successful events held, trail projects and improvements, ways of promoting membership growth, etc. Because of the large number of clubs in the state and limited space in the magazine, we ask that you submit a Club News article no more than twice a year, keeping the length of your article to three or four paragraphs. Make sure the information is of interest to the general public, not just your own club members. If your club has participated in an especially interesting activity that you feel deserves special attention, please call us so we can discuss the possibility of an additional story. Please click on this link 2023-2024-WSN-Club-News-Submission-Form to download the form.